and move past betrayal....
Heal From Lies
"I'm not a bad person, I'm just a liar."
Drew H., - Fenton, Missouri
We were in an open relationship, so dating others wasn't off the table.
We agreed to talk about and use protection with other partners.
He didn't tell me about her.
He didn't protect either of us.
Instead, he lied to us both - compared our looks directly & put her down to give me a false sense of security.
He lied to her about having herpes.
He lied to us both about the lifestyle he wanted to lead.
We both ended up with severe BV infections.
I cannot imagine the lies he had to tell her to get her back.
Paige, you deserve so much better.
Healing begins here
Your partner lied to you. Maybe repeatedly.
Maybe about something huge like money, addiction, or they had a secret side chick and second identity like my partner did (even when we were in an open relationship). It took time and hard work to heal from the wounds my
ex-partner inflicted.
The shock is massive. The grief is overwhelming.
If you're seeking to heal from intimate betrayal -- there is hope. Start with the Help section where we've provided links to resources and additional reading that will help inform you about reasons why people lie, how to move forward from the trauma of being lied to, and how to avoid choosing liars in the future.