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11. From Victim to Creator

“ Our traumas contain our greatest gifts, if only we are willing to finally meet them."

If we firmly believe that life is a reflection of our internal state, then we must also accept that it is doing that 100% of the time. So if there’s randomness and chaos externally, it is simply mirroring that same energy within, in order to give you the opportunity to step into greater choice.


Chaos happens when awareness has not yet taken the steering wheel from the hands of the monkey mind, which is driven mostly by subconscious survival features. All of which are in overdrive for you right now.


What if all the seemingly negative things that happen to us are actually components of a highly intricate plan shaped and executed by our own subconscious, our higher self, in the universe?


To truly trust in that intelligence – even when we have no idea what the fuck is going on, or why things are happening the way they are– is the spiritual initiation and installing an entirely new operating system.


It is what allows us to graduate from the victim consciousness into creator consciousness.




What if your pain is an opportunity to grow and create a better life (and relationship) than you ever expected? 


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